The Brittle Test: the Key to Replacing Your Roof via Insurance

Are you dealing with an insurance claim for your roof? If yes, then may have heard of a Brittle Test. This is a critical component of getting residential home roofs replaced by insurance. But what is it exactly and why does it matter so much? Knowing about this test can be incredibly helpful if you ever find yourself in need of utilizing a homeowner’s insurance coverage for a replacement on your roof. In this blog post, we will cover the basics all homeowners should know about the Brittle Test: how investing in a quality inspection could save time and money when filing claims; when it’s required by insurers; and other important factors. Armed with vital information, readers will better understand why a brittle test is crucial for getting their new roofs paid for via their insurer!

What is the Brittle Test and why is it important for roofing home insurance claims.

If you’re a homeowner, you’re likely familiar with the headaches that come with roof insurance claims. However, have you ever considered the potential solution known as the Brittle Test? This test evaluates the durability of your roof shingles during a repair, assessing their ability to withstand without breaking, creasing, or losing excessive granulation. If the shingles exhibit signs of aging or damage during the repair test, it indicates that completing the repair may cause more harm than good, warranting a complete roof replacement. This valuable insight allows insurance companies and roofers to make informed decisions when dealing with insurance claims.

When is the Brittle Test Required for Roof Replacement Claims

A Brittle Test is typically conducted by your chosen roofer, if after filing an insurance claim for storm or weather-related damage, the adjuster says the roof is repairable instead of paying for a full replacement. Inclement weather such as wind, rain, and hail can cause significant harm to shingles, even tearing them off completely. This is where a roof inspection becomes invaluable. Often, homeowners are unaware that their insurance may cover this type of damage, leading them to contact a roofing professional for an inspection. A reputable roofing company not only provides a FREE roof inspection but also works closely with insurance companies to identify signs of wind or storm damage. Once the damage is verified by an inspector, the client will usually file a home insurance claim, which will require a copy of the inspection report.

If you or your roofer believes that the roof has sustained significant damage warranting a complete replacement, your insurer may request a brittleness test. This test evaluates the durability of your shingles, helping them determine whether a repair or replacement is necessary.

What Happens If Your Roof Passes?

If your roof passes the Brittle Test, a roof replacement is unlikely, but a repair may be covered under your home’s insurance policy. However, you will still need to pay your deductible for the repair, while the insurance company will cover the remaining cost. There may be some disagreement between you and your home insurance regarding the necessary roof repairs and the amount they should pay. In such cases, remember to rely on your roofing professional as an advocate for you throughout the process. They can provide valuable context and expertise when dealing with insurance claims. Additionally, keep in mind that you always have the option to have your inspecting roofer perform the necessary repairs.

What Happens If Your Roof Fails?

Insurance Claim Roof Shingle

If your roof fails a Brittle Test, it indicates that the roofing shingle is either too old or extensively damaged to be repaired in specific areas. In such cases, your roofing professional will likely recommend a complete roof replacement to you and your homeowners insurance company. However, it’s important to note that the insurance company may still resist covering the full cost of a roof replacement if your shingles fail the Brittle Test. The inspection will also need to show the extent of the storm or weather-related damage and that your case fits their specific standards for replacement. To navigate this process smoothly, it’s advisable to collaborate with a reputable roofing contractor who can provide the necessary documentation and support to the insurance companies.

Common Reasons Why Claims Might be Denied Despite Failing the Brittle Test

Filing an insurance claim can be a frustrating experience, especially when it is denied. Even if you think your roof failed the “brittle test,” there are still common reasons why it might be rejected:

  1. One reason could be a lack of proper documentation to support your claim. Insurance companies typically reject claims that lack substantial evidence, whether it’s due to inadequate documentation from your roofing inspection or the Brittle Test. To secure a successful claim, it’s crucial to provide a compelling burden of proof that leaves no room for denial. That requires a professional with experience in working on roofing insurance claims.
  2. Another reason could be that your policy does not cover the specific damages or losses you are claiming. It is essential to read your policy thoroughly and understand its limitations and exclusions.
  3. Finally, if you fail to meet the deadline for filing your claim, it could result in a denial. It’s always wise to double-check the filing deadline, so you don’t miss it.

Although it may seem like your claim should have been approved, understanding the common reasons for denial can help you prepare for a better outcome next time you file.

Tips for Maximizing Your Chances of Successfully Replacing Your Roof with Insurance Coverage

Brittle Test - Insurance Claim

Replacing a roof can be a daunting task, especially if you are relying on insurance coverage to foot the bill. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of success in getting your insurance company to pay for a new roof.

  1. First, make sure you understand your insurance policy and what it covers. You don’t want to be caught off guard by unexpected expenses.
  2. Next, document the damage thoroughly. Take pictures and make notes of everything you see. Be sure to include details about the age and condition of your roof before the damage occurs.
  3. Finally, work with a reputable roofing contractor who has experience dealing with insurance claims. They can help you navigate the process and ensure that all necessary repairs are included in your claim.

By following these tips, you can maximize your chances of successfully replacing your roof with insurance coverage.

Next Steps…

If suspect your roof has been damaged by severe weather, the first step in filing an insurance claim is to have a professional inspection and evaluation. A reputable roofing contractor should provide this service free of charge. Additionally, if a Brittle Test is required, the roofer can also provide it. It is important to collaborate with a roofer who has experience in dealing with insurance companies. This ensures that your case will be handled properly and efficiently, giving you peace of mind.

If you live in Tennessee or Georgia, reach out to Roof MD. We specialize in assisting homeowners and collaborating with home insurance companies, proudly advocating for you. If you’ve experienced roofing damage recently, schedule your complimentary roof inspection today.